One of the most important assets is our company’s reputation for ethical behavior, honesty and fair dealing. We all know that reputation is very fragile and can be easily destroyed by our actions, so due to this, we emphasize and reinforce our commitment and adherence to these Standards. Aayam

InterContinental’s Standards of Business Conduct are your guidelines to ethical and legal responsibilities when dealing with customers, competitors, and suppliers.
Every employee is responsible and accountable to maintain our company’s reputation to the highest standard of integrity. We need to earn trust and loyalty of each of our customers, clients, community, and everyone we deal with in this dynamic world. There are no shortcut formulas or automatic answers to the choices we have to make in business today. Fair dealing, honesty and ethical values are our core code of conduct. Every employee in our company is reviewed periodically and any failure to comply with our standards may result in termination of employment.
In 1991, a proprietorship firm, “Gandaki Recondition Center” was established which dealt with buying, selling and exchange of pre- owned motorcycle. With this success, in 1995, a firm named “Gandaki Trade House” was established which dealt with pre- owned 4 wheeler segment. In 1996, we acquired the authorized regional dealership for Daelim motorcycle (Korea), Suzuki 2 wheeler in 1997 and Hulas Motors (Nepal) in 1998. Because of this rapid expansion, our firm created a powerful image in the automobile sector and all our firms merged together in 2001 under one umbrella company to form “Himalaya Organization”. We are still expanding and will continue to expand our business for the development of our country and its people.
In 2003, Himalayan Invest and Development Pvt. Ltd. was established which entered into a new sector dealing with real estate, re- finance and banking. The company achieved great success and became the second largest company in real estate business in western Nepal in 2009.
In 2006, Himalaya equipment Pvt. Ltd. was established as authorized dealer of CASE, L & T and KOMATSU and was able to cover about fifty (50%) percent of market share with these types of product in our region.
We now feel proud to have acquired the Distributorship of FORCE MOTORS under our company Aayam Intercontinental.
The Group “Himalaya Organization” combines the following active firms and companies under one umbrella…………………………!
- Himalaya Auto World
- Himalaya Invest & Development Co. Pvt. Ltd.
- Himalaya Equipment Pvt. Ltd.
- Himalaya Auto Engineering Service
- Himalaya Highland Development Project
- DN. International Pvt. Ltd.
- Aayam Intercontinental Pvt. Ltd.
Sectors Involved
- Automobile
- Construction Equipments
- Real Estate
- Banking & investment
- Education